A midwife is one who believes in the fundamental power of a woman’s body.
Do you have a desire to help create a comforting, supportive, empowering experience during childbirth? Would you like to be able to work within the medical field and develop a strong relationship with the mother-to-be, while providing physical, psychological, and social well-being throughout pregnancy and beyond?
Birthing Your Way, LLC is proud to offer a comprehensive clinical training program to student midwives. Gain the practical skills and knowledge to become an exceptional midwife. We offer training at our birth center located in Lehi, Utah. Students come from all over the country to have the opportunity to work with our NARM-approved preceptors.
At Birthing Your Way, we are passionate about training and want to turn out the very best! The student who will excel in our program is one who is a self-motivated learner and can jump in with both feet, ready to tackle whatever comes her way. Birthing Your Way will give you multiple opportunities to learn but will not coddle you on your journey! You will be expected to work hard and be stretched to your limits but in return, your midwifery education will be enriched and deepened in ways you never expected!
Your education may include how to resolve complications such as shoulder dystocia, hemorrhage, and retained placenta, as well as variations of normal such as twins and breech deliveries. We also include family practice and IV/blood draws as part of your education here.
We are so excited to have you join us here at Birthing Your Way! Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey to becoming the best midwife YOU can be!